Branding Your Program & Yourself (N4A Region III/IV Conference)

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What an incredible opportunity to visit with the Region III/IV membership this past weekend in Austin, Texas.  I wanted to make sure credit is given where credit is due.  TERRIFIC JOB Jeff Nelson, Rob McDermand, Elliott Daniels, Brett Wohlers and everyone working so hard behind the scenes on setting up an absolutely phenomenal regional event.  If you weren’t able to make the trip out to Austin, but you’re still interested in my thoughts on branding your program and yourself – you can find my presentation here:

Branding Austin 2

Unfortunately, the Audio for the presentation failed (user error!) so I will not be able to post to the LiveMaas podcast.  On the positive side, I will be posting my first ever Vlog on this weekends Regional Conference.  Be on the lookout for that soon!

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly if I can be of any help to you.  You can easily reach me at or on my cell at (307) 223-6429.

Please be sure to follow me on Social Media for more Updates on all things #LiveMaas

Twitter: @WesDMaas   InstaGram: @WesDMaas  


The student-athlete support and development career field has increased significantly over the past decade.  As athletic departments have become more dependent on the services provided by practitioners in this field, an increased amount of roles have been created to support the student-athletes in higher education.  This influx of staffing can often lead to a need to clarify specific roles and responsibilities within these units for our peers, people looking to get into this field, or even those on the outside looking in.  The goal of this session is to help brand your program and your professional identity so that others can easily identify what it is you want that brand to be.  In higher education you have two choices.  You either you brand yourself, or you will let someone do it for you