N4A 2nd Vice President Statement & Info


My N4A Family,

I’m reaching out to you today to encourage you to exercise your right to vote for our next 2nd Vice President.  As you continue to learn more about the phenomenal pool of candidates for this position, I wanted to provide a platform for you to review my candidate statement and resume, as well as give you the opportunity to connect with me personally if you have any questions about my campaign.  Whomever you decide to vote for, please Vote!  Your voice needs to be heard in our association.

2nd Vice President Statement


Click Here to Vote:

Thank you for everything you are doing to flatten the curve during the COVID19 pandemic.  It is my sincere hope that you, your family & friends, and our peers are safe and healthy as we grow through this ‘new normal’.

I realize how important educating the membership on each candidate is to the voting process, but I feel it is essential for a leader to be able to use this platform to support their membership, not simply focus on themselves.  As someone who intends to lead by putting the needs of the members before my own, I’d like to use this opportunity of heightened engagement to focus on an area of specific importance to our membership;  Mental and Physical Health and Wellness.

Experts warn that we could witness an increase in self-harm or even suicides during this time of social distancing and self-quarantine.  The mental and physical health of our membership is one of the key drivers in my candidate statement and a pillar of our SAACares program at Florida International University.  If you are unfamiliar, please allow me to use this time not to focus on my campaign, but to introduce Tyler Hilinski and his story.

Hilinski’s Hope

ESPN Coverage, Hilinski’s Hope

As our student-athletes return to campus – we never know who might need the help of professionals on our campus.  You can learn more about Tyler, his family, and the Hilinski Hope Foundation just by clicking on the link above.  You can also find best practices and a resource guide from the National Alliance on Mental Illness for additional support.  Just as importantly, if you – or someone you know – need help, please reach out.  You Are Not Alone, We Are Here For You.  My cell is (307) 223-6429 and the National Suicide Prevention hotline is;  1-800-273-8255.

I am incredibly grateful for your time and attention.  I would be excited to visit with you one-on-one if there are questions I can answer regarding my campaign or why I believe I should be your next 2nd Vice President.

Be on the lookout for several Zoom ‘Office Hours’ and ‘Social Hour’ opportunities where members can engage with me in a virtual environment to ask questions about my campaign or just get to know more about my vision for the 2nd Vice President role.


What people are saying…


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Thank you for all you do!  #WeAreN4A

NAMI Resource Guide